Steel Tipped Dove – Nothing Touches the Ground Here [album]


We are all- everyone of us- constantly hurtling through space at hundreds of thousands of miles an hour. It’s sort of horrifying. But on the other hand, there’s amazing beauty of mind boggling scope out there. Which I point out only because hearing Steel Tipped Dove’s music is sort of like staring out into the vastness of space and having the scope of it hit you real hard. This album is basically the soundtrack that Neil DeGrasse Tyson would throw on before kicking his feet up and entering a long mescaline fueled bullshit session. It’s music people who are comfortable contemplating the mind-breaking scale of the universe use as the soundtrack to their lovemaking sessions. It’s what rain forest shamans play when they need to unwind after getting some particularly heavy news from the celestial sphere they’ve been conversing with. If any of that sounds like it’s too much for you- it probably is. You’re not ready for this album, you’d be doing yourself a favor to just set it aside. On the other hand – if you’re down with the idea of being completely awed by boundlessness- pop this bad boy in the ol’ earphones and enjoy having your little corner of infinity blown up from underneath you.

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