Lacerta, named after a lizard-shaped constellation, is a space-inspired tour-de-force that shatters the walls confining electronic and hip-hop music to various sub-genres. Running the gamut…

Bossasaurus’ debut EP Lacerta will be released in its entirety on Decmeber 1st, 2010. All tracks produced by Bossasaurus (Egon Brainparts, Negatron Johnson and Captain…

Bekay “I Am Boss” Bossasaurus Remix Our STFUYMCA (Shove These Fossils Up Your Magnificent Creationist Ass) project is coming down a chimney near you on…

Bossasaurus vs Aesop Rock – None Shall Pass (Remix) from AlwaysHustle.com on Vimeo. Bossasaurus vs Aesop Rock – None Shall Pass (Remix) This track will…