Clear the streets, lock the doors and close the shutters. The WOLF GANG is on the prowl. Yes, Providence emcee/producer Wolfman Jeckyll is back yet…

Providence, RI Hip-Hop vigilante, WOLFMAN JECKYLL, has been circling his prey and now the assault on 2024 begins with the new melodically dark headbanger single…

Providence, Rhode Island’s own Wolfman Jeckyll has reunited with Greece’s The Nerds Music Production to bring you this new composition “BLIND” featuring songstress Madeline Hogan….

For his next installment, Providence, RI artist Wolfman Jeckyll has blended his lyrical stylings over darkly ominous and melodic beats from dynamic newcomer producer MicroCosmic0rbit…

From the LP “The Dust of What Once Was…” Check the new Video. Rocking out with my brother Mourilla. Video by Tony Bizz. Shouts to…

When bad dreams get worse the Night Terrors emerge. Veteran emcees WOLFMAN JECKYLL (Providence, RI) and Bugsy H. (Boston, MA) have combined forces to bring…

A message from the future. A warning of past events that lead to planetary catastrophe. When the “Cuckoo’s Clock” rang all hell broke loose. Providence…
![Wolfman Jeckyll - Dirt Nap feat. Minez (prod BodyBag Ben) [video]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/1FF58DB5-A704-4518-ABF1-515490476AF7.jpeg)
WOLFMAN JECKYLL strikes again with his new single “Dirt Nap” accompanied by fellow R.I. artist Minez. The lyrical onslaught showcases both emcees dropping bars from…

Wolfman Jeckyll continues his rampage through the air waves with his newest release, “Wolfman Jeckyll Meets The Nerds” dropping 9/30/22. The project features Robust the…
![Crooked City (Lord Willin x Wolfman Jeckyll) "Chalkstone" [video]](https://www.rawdrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/F75E2316-801A-4DC6-A342-923CEA43026E-470x140.jpeg)
“Chalkstone” is the first rlease from Providence, Rhode Island based Hip Hop duo Crooked City which consists of veteran MC Lord Willin & longtime MC/Producer…