Shaun Boothe “Child Soldier” **Video**

“Child Soldier” is Boothe’s musical effort at giving a voice to the voiceless children across the world that are manupulated and physically “forced into the armed forces”. Written well over a year ago Boothe created the song after embarking on a nationwide human rights school tour. Inspired by everything he learned during that tour he went home, researched more about the issues and created this song for the people.

Since the Kony2012 campaign, much has been discussed and debated in the media as of late with regards to this global issue. Who is to blame? Where is this happening? How do we stop this? Who should we support? However, amist all the controversy, it’s important we not forget what our real concerns should truly be — the children.

Directed by Footage TV, and starring 10 year old KJ, the song and video speak from the perspective of a child soldier. The purpose of this video is to raise awareness and provoke thought. Please feel free to circulate broadly. We all have a part to play in the betterment of a world we all share.

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