Gone Wallace – Monks [FreEP]


Philly’s own Gone Wallace links with Da Den to present to you Monks EP. Coming in at only 3 tracks, that would be your only complaint about this project. Gone Wallace sticks to the story telling on this one; using an underline theme from one of my favorite shows, Seinfeld. He kicks everything off with the smooth and jazzy production on “10fold”. He allows us to ride shotgun in his car as he sits back and let us in on why he thinks he shouldn’t conform to what everyone else wants him to be. As we pull up to “Tom’s Restaurant”, Wallace continues his story telling vibe, expressing the wants of being in a position to travel the world “diner hopping” with his companion, all while asking the waitress can he light up in the restaurant. To end things off, the Philly emcee begins to drop knowledge about being Kings and Queens, all while remembering not take himself too serious jokingly rhyming “That’s that Smokers Cough”. Donato Beats, New Dersey and NovaJazz all pitch in on the production for the 3 track project.


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