Wool See – Shed [free album]
Sometimes you just wing it; come up with a plan on the go; build your wings on the way down. IAME, prolific Northwest emcee and representative of the Sandpeople and Oldominion crews, has been doing just that since releasing his Winter Worn EP under the name Wool See in December. Wool See is IAME’s one-man-band, meaning he produces and writes all of the music/lyrics and performs all of the vocals. While IAME’s previous solo releases were much more collaborative and relied heavily on outside producers, musicians, and vocalists, Wool See embraces the DIY spirit to the fullest; the results aren’t intended to be better, just different.
As for a plan, it’s been born out of spontaneity. Following the seasonal theme of the Winter Worn EP, Wool See released Homie Garden in April, a full-length album inspired by the growth that begins in Spring. Both projects were created in the same season they were released. The plan is now cemented; Wool See will carry the seasonal approach through Summer and Fall, meaning there will be a total of 4 releases in under a year when it’s all said and done. Some would argue that this is too much content and they might be right. But let us not forget YOLO.
Shed is the Summer offering – 17 tracks that embody the unseasonably warm few months that this pale rapper has endured. The album is free.. You are encouraged to listen to it and tell somebody about it if you have people you like telling things to. Wool See loves you.