The Black Opera – African American [album]


In 2016, many Black Americans are unaware of what country their lineage dates back to or any traditions of their ancestors. Many Black Americans question the origin of their last name. Add this to the fact that many Black Americans don’t feel safe walking or driving the streets of America and you get a people that feel disconnected from their roots, and don’t feel at home in their own country in these current times. This echoing sentiment within the Black community is what influenced the music and art collective The Black Opera to create works that reflect these current times with “African America”.

At its core, “African America” is the story of a people that feel lost, a people that don’t feel welcome in their place of birth. This is where Black Americans currently exist, a place where the laws and law enforcement don’t seem to serve or protect them. “African America” can be viewed as an actual plea to build a new home, or just to relocate mentally.

“African America” is the promised land of freedom.

iTunes: African America – The Black Opera

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