LAPIS – Blue In Orange | Single

The debut single from LAPIS – a singer, musician, and producer from Auckland, New Zealand.

“I recorded the first version of this song in 2013 when I was turning 18. I came back more than once over the next 1-2 years.

At the 2:57 mark I back come in to look back on what happened from a different perspective. In doing so I was able to process the story, that period in my life again, on a deeper level.

At 2:57 it is like a reality check.. “Shit, this is what was really going down..” And the rest of the song – with the extended dance section and the darker tone – is really a grieving process, both for what was, and the dreams that never really were – the dreams of idealised love that never held any water. It is also a catharsis and transformation, of the pain and confusion.

This reflective and retrospective process, captured as ‘Blue in Orange’ allowed me to tie this up and move on –> from blue into orange!”

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