Factor Chandelier – Garbage Island feat. Ceschi, Common Grackle, AWOL One (Official Music Video)
Video created by @morgansbrother
Garbage Island is from the album “Time Invested II” by Factor Chandelier. Pay what you wish to download: https://fakefour.bandcamp.com/album/t…
Video by morgans brother
Record collages by Clark HasslerSong produced and mixed: Factor Chandelier
Lyrics: Gregory Pepper (of Common Grackle with Factor Chandelier), AWOL One and Ceschi
Horns: Danny T Levin
Mastered: Daddy Kev
Label: Fake Four Inc.20 years after the release of his first album, Factor Chandelier created Time Invested II, a nostalgic and energetic compilation reminiscent of how his music career started. With the intent of creating something inspiring for a younger self, the producer collaborated with his heroes, long-time friends and contemporaries to create a work of 16 songs. Time Invested II features a mix of artists that include tour mates, frequent collaborators and friends with whom Factor Chandelier shares undeniable creative bonds. The release of the album aligned with his 40th birthday and somehow still feels like this might just be the beginning.