sOuL from the O – OWN IT ALL feat. Durand Bernarr | video

sOuL from the O – OWN IT ALL feat. Durand Bernarr. Prod by Headnodic. “Own It All” is the 3rd single off of the forthcoming record “Queens and Pharaohs” by sOuL from the O. Animated by Reuben Barasa.

Welcome to the vibrant universe of “Own It All” – sOuL from the O’s Hip-Hop anthem of determination and transformation, now has a music video! Draped in hues of purple and digitally animated, a motorcyclist passes through as the main characters of the story embrace their power to change: a young woman couch bound decides to delete the contact of someone she was dating realizing she wants more from life, meanwhile a young man pleads to make amends to a store owner for his past street life. What happens next is a world where our dreams call us to make changes, and if we listen to those calls and believe, a new world appears. The height of this music video explodes into a montage of feel good “before and after” shots, reinforcing what Durand Bernarr is singing on the chorus – that yes, we might just own it all, and no way we should doubt that!

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