Mickey Factz x Nottz “414 Words” [video]
“I had $4.14 in my bank account, same time in the morning I had to think it out, same number of words I used to paint it out. 414, 414.” – Mickey Factz
Mickey Factz, veteran emcee, former xxl cover freshman, set to release his debut album “The Achievement with grammy award winning producer Nottz helming the production for the project. The first taste of this collaboration is the 3rd installment of the 414 trilogy entitled 414 Words. Fans of Mickey remember $4.14 which was a reference to the amount in the rappers bank account and 4:14 which was written at that time of the morning. 414 Words has exactly that amount in the song (we’re sure his hardcore fans will count to make sure of it) and complete’s the trilogy on his debut. The visual for 414 was directed by Leondotcom.
On connecting with Nottz, Mickey says “I saw Nottz had 20 compilations projected for 2016 on IG without my name on it. I took a chance and reached out hoping to be apart and ended up gaining a brother within the musical process.”
Mickey Factz and Nottz project The Achievement: circa ’82 will be released October 28, 2016 via Soulspazm // W.A.R. Media.
iTunes: The Achievement: circa ’82 – Mickey Factz & Nottz
Soundclouad: https://soundcloud.com/warmedia/mickey-factz-x-nottz-414-words